stipend stipend n. 給費; 給付金. 【動詞+】 The stipend attached to such fellowships is
stipend stipend n. 給費; 給付金. 【動詞+】 The stipend attached to such fellowships is $1,500. こうした特別研究員に対する給費は 1,500 ドルである The scholarship carries a large stipend. その奨学金には多額の給付金がついている give sb a s
the sum total will come to more than 120 koku in chigyo (the annual stipend ). 知行になおすと計120余石となる。
this tendency was often seen among hereditary vassale daimyo (fudai daimyo ) with an annual stipend of around hundred thousand koku in rice . この傾向は特に10万石前後の譜代大名に多く見られる。
in 1860 , at choshu ' s request , he was made a samurai of choshu with an annual stipend of 25 sacks of rice at , although he remained in edo . 万延元年(1860年)、長州藩の要請により江戸在住のまま同藩士となり、扶持は年米25俵。
cavalry deployed for a defence force unit was composed of twenty to fifty horsemen; each horseman received an annual stipend of about 200 to 300 koku . 一備に配備される騎馬隊は二十~五十騎で編成されており、騎馬隊々士の知行は二百石から三百石程度である。
in 1674 , he was born as the eldest son of nobuzumi oishi (with an annual stipend of 450 koku of crop yield ), who was a vassal of the asano family of the ako clan . 延宝2年(1674年)赤穂浅野家家臣の大石信澄(知行450石)の長男として誕生。
in the meiji period , the kira family relocated to the lands of their chigyo-chi (a land given to a feudal load or a samurai as an annual stipend ): terasaki , chosei county , and chiba prefecture . 明治に至り、知行地であった千葉県長生郡寺崎に移っている。
in 1811 , beian served toyama domain , but in 1821 , he went to serve the maeda clan of kaga domain for an annual stipend of 300 koku and commuted between kanazawa and edo to teach . 文化 (元号)8年(1811年)に富山藩に仕えたが、文政4年(1821年)に家禄300石をもって加賀藩前田氏に仕え、江戸と金沢を往復し指導に当たった。
in the latter part of the sengoku period , the intermediate samurai rank of ashigaru taisho (samurai in command of a troop ashigaru ) came to be recognized and was awarded an annual stipend of between 200 and 500 koku . 戦国時代後期には地位も向上して足軽大将の家禄は、200石から500石程度で中級の武士として認められる存在になった。
due to their achievements , the position of ashigaru taisho gradually rose , and in the late sengoku period they were provided with an annual stipend of 200 to 500 koku , and regarded as the middle-class warriors . このような活躍の中で、次第に足軽大将の地位も向上し、戦国時代後期における足軽大将の家禄は、おおよそ200石から500石程度で中級の武士として認められる存在になった。
his children included hidesada ikai (who served mitsuhide akechi , received akechi family name , hanzaemon hidesada akechi and after that became a retainer of nagahide niwa and then served ieyasu and received an annual stipend of 490 koku of rice in totomi and suruga provinces . 子に猪飼秀貞(明智光秀に仕え、明智姓の明智半左衛門秀貞という名を賜り、その後は丹羽長秀の臣を経て、家康に仕え遠江・駿河にて四百九十石の知行を与えられている)がいる。